Monday, June 3, 2024

Mini EFHW transformers

 DG1JAN has shared on GitHub some really nice designs. I went with the MicroUnUn which seems to be a nice alternative of the popular K6ARK.

It uses Amdion FT82-43 (FairRite 5943000601) toroid. The author suggests two other variations:

  1. combining 5943000601 with a smaller inner toroid 5943001101  
  2. using the double length FairRite 5943000501
I was hesitant about he combined toroid design - the winding was really dense inside the small toroid. So I made few units with 601 and one with 501. I made several configurations and measured the lowest SWR.

Winding Secondary turns Secondary / primary Ratio
10-1-10 21 7 49:1
10-1-10 22 7.33 54:1
11-1-11 23 7.66 59:1
11-1-12 24 8 64:1
12-1-12 25 8.33 70:1
12-1-13 26 8.66 75:1
13-1-13 27 9 81:1

I did my tests in Parc de la Cité with a radiator for 18MHz and SotaBeams Carbon mast. Here are the results of the first round:

Subject Ratio Lowest SWR Frequency
1 49:1 1.43 18.350
2 49:1 1.44 18.300
3 81:1 1.16 18.000
4 81:1 1.12 18.100
5 81:1 1.12 18.200

Second round of tests:

Subject Ratio Lowest SWR Frequency
4 81:1 1.10 18.090
5 81:1 1.10 18.170
6 49:1 1.44 18.190
7 54:1 1.35 18.170

Third round of tests. 

SubjectRatioLowest SWRFrequency
964:1 *D 1.2518.130

1:64* D uses the double length FairRite 5943000501

These are the indications of my RigExpert. When hooked to KX2, the values are about 0.25 better.

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